
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So nice to be out--A nature walk

It was a beautiful day!  Not too cold for around here, and it wasn't raining, so we ventured out to take a nature walk.  Something I've been longing to do for a while.  The trail we went to wasn't very exciting, winter had definitely left its mark here.  There wasn't much more than bare trees and mud, but it was still nice.  The kids were so happy to be out too.  There was also a nice river.

We stopped to run up and down these nice stairs a few times :-)

The river behind Miss A8

A 3 year old and the river are like 2 peas and a pod.

I think they just felt so free to finally be out again!  That is the trail, pretty bare, but oh so nice!

It was so cute to see these two interact out on our little jaunt.  They kept talking to each other and helping each other.

And, for our nature study and journals, the most exciting thing we found besides sticks, dead leaves, and mud was moss.  There's always an abundance of that stuff out here in the Northwest.  We talked about why we have so much moss where we live because it's always raining and real moist.

 Here is my preschooler's version of moss.  I helped him a little bit because he didn't really know how to draw it. 

Home schooling one day at a time--as long as it takes


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