
Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know, it's a few days late, but there it is.  Happy new year!  2010, that's such a big number, I can't believe it is here already.  Is it just me, or does it seem like time is just flying by?  Well, farewell 2009!  I didn't take any pictures of our new year's party celebration, or of our few days down at the parents house.  But, we had a good time.  We all went to bed before midnight.  All of my kids, including me were not feeling very well.

We had a good Christmas as well.  We were also down at the parents house for Christmas, but we came home in between the two holiday's to have some time at home.  So, this picture is one that I took of the kids with their 2010 hats on after new years because we forgot to take them with us. I think it's so cute, and it makes me happy.  They are such happy little people.  And, the dog is Brownie in case you haven't met him.  I love these kids, they are so cute, and I'm so glad that they are mine.  I loved every minute I spent with them in 2009, and look forward to all the great things we get to do this new year.  I love my Hubby too, he is such a great leader for our family.  I love being with him, and always wish I had more time with him, but I'm grateful that he is such a hard worker.  He really does a good job in everything he does and teaches me so much.  Here's to more time with him in 2010!


My dreams for 2010:

  1. Start a garden
  2. Organize my bedroom
  3. Take the kids to Disneyland
  4. Buy a travel trailer
  5. Do more photography
  6. Be a better friend and serve others more
  7. Be a better blogger, write more
  8. Exercise a lot more
  9. Fix our yard
  10. Get more food storage
Along with many other small goals!


Trishelle said...

Happy New Year!! That's an adorable brood you've got there! I love how Mr. Blue wears that crown. I've never been able to get my kids to keep them on.

Great goals! Good luck with them. May it be a successful year for all of you!

Whitmer Family said...

What an adorable picture! Sounds like you'll be busy in 2010! Good luck reaching all your goals!