
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I know, I know...

Yep. I fell off the picture train.

I do that sometimes. I start something great, and don't finish. There you go, one of my imperfections. Actually, to be honest, it was getting a little tedious to come up with a picture everyday on the days that we didn't do very many picture worthy things (which are most). Not to mention, it's just another thing for me to do.  So, I've decided to go back to the old way.  No more picture of the day.  Are you sad? I hope not.  It was fun, and a fun idea, but I am glad to have that one less worry in my day.  I commend people like Susana and Cocoa who are taking excellent photos to share everyday (and whom actually inspired me to try it), it's not easy!   

Speaking of pictures...the month of January was mostly full of busy school days here at home.  We played trains, legos, and cars a lot.  We did arts and crafts.  We went to the library, and read lots of books.  We started some new winter nature study challenges and took a few walks.  So, most of the action for January is pictured over at our school blog.  I don't know if you all here check that very often, but if you're interested you can always pop on over.  I realized tonight that almost my whole January folder of pictures is of school stuff!

But, some other things that we did in January besides school stuff was:

  • Atomic had swim lessons, and they decided to move him up 2 classes because he's such a strong swimmer.
  • Aqua started a new tap dancing class, and she loves it!
  • Mr. Blue turned 18 months, and today he actually said a few things:  "that baby", and Atomic's real name.  He also loves to say Happy.  I just need to do a whole post about this little guy, he just has the cutest little personality.
  • I learned to appreciate motherhood more and housework much more by changing my attitude.  It hit me this month that I was so focused on how much I had to do that it was affecting my attitude which made things seem hard.  But, when I turned that around and I stopped complaining to myself all the time, and saw my work as a joy it was all so much easier!  I know that sounds simple, but it's something that's so easy to forget.  And, don't get me wrong, I have always loved and appreciated my job as a mother, it's just easy to get caught up in the daily tasks and lose focus.  Here is a great post from Susana's blog at "My family my forever" again about Motherhood that I came across.  It really puts into words what I am trying to say (if you look at that read past all of her personal stuff towards the end there's a good article about motherhood).
  • We looked at some trailers, but haven't found anything yet.
That's about it!


The Grimmett's said...

Being a mom is hard work, yet it is so easy to lose focus. Thanks for reminding us all of what's important! Your family is awesome!

Lawther family said...

It is so easy to lose focus. The past week has been filled with coughs, and a crying baby to add to my stress... Thanks for the little reminder that I do love my job and shouldn't be so concerned with the little things that bug...
Hey I am hoping to go to Tammy's wedding, it would be so great to see everyone. Miss ya