
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dear Tooth Fairy

Well, Missy lost another tooth tonight!  This one was pretty stubborn.  So stubborn in fact that the new tooth started growing in and poking out the side (hopefully the dentist can help us out in the future with that one).  She was relieved to finally have gotten that thing out of there!

So, in honor of her losing another tooth she had to get out her favorite tooth losing book called "Dear Tooth Fairy".  This has to be one of the coolest books we have.  It is about a girl who leaves a note to the tooth fairy asking questions, you know, about the tooth fairy, and the tooth fairy responds with several cute little letters. 

The letters are in envelopes that you can actually pull out and read:
Here's the tooth in a baggie, it so small!
Here's another pull-out about different kinds of fairies:
Miss 8 is showing me that she wants to be the brownie fairy, I think:
A few teeth losses ago (wow, that sentence sounds weird), she decided to write the tooth fairy her own letter, it was very cute.  So, her Daddy typed up a cute little letter back to her.  It was pretty funny, unfortunately I have no idea where that letter is now, but so wishing I did.

The tooth fairy brings $2 for each tooth in our house but not just any ordinary dollars, they are shiny dollar coins like these:

Missy likes to get the shiny gold coins, and it seems like more than it really is.  What does the tooth fairy bring to your house?

Homeschooling one day at a time--as long as it takes!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That sounds like such a cute book! Abby hasn't lost teeth yet, but she says she will get $100 a tooth! LOL, I don't think so. I figured the first one will be a pretty big deal and maybe worth a few dollars, then a dollar per tooth after that.