
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Scripture and article of faith memorization

I am trying to be better about having a time each morning before we start our school to read scriptures and memorize.  With little boys this is not always easy.  I'm trying to come up with ways to help them memorize since they don't exactly know how to read.  Mostly I just say the words and they repeat after me, we do it over and over as they are interested.  It has been going pretty well, and sometimes randomly during the day or at bedtime they will ask me to say what ever verse we have been practicing.

In our church the children are encouraged to learn and memorize the "13 Articles of Faith".  We have a summer picnic coming up where the children will get an ice cream topping for each article of faith they have memorized, or so I've been told.  So, that is what we are currently working on.  It is a slow process, and I'm trying to get to a new one each day.  So, to help them have more hands on activity while we say it this has been pretty effective.  Building lego's.  I used my handy dandy label maker and put a few words on duplo sized lego's so they could build it.

Just so you know it should read:
"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost"


As we say it the block is added with the words.  The boys have really liked it.  I have to admit, I kind of had fun too.  I built it a few different ways to see how it would work.  I didn't plan out the blocks I put them on, just grabbed random blocks.




I liked how the one with Jesus Christ at the bottom for the foundation made for a much sturdier structure.  How true that is in all of life!

Here are some great links to scripture memorization, and article of faith memorization for anyone (even if you don't homeschool).  I was researching a little bit and wanted to keep track of these links.  I thought I might share them:

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