
Monday, April 23, 2012

2 things

I didn't ever get around to sharing these bits and bobs from last month, but didn't want to let it pass by, so...

Here is the birthday cake that the kids helped me decorate for Daddy using lego creations.  I told them they could each make a few lego creations to put on his cake, and of course they covered it!

It was pretty cute to see what they came up with, and didn't hurt the cake any :-) Oh, and scrubbing frosting off of lego's isn't very fun...

P3220584 scrabble tiles!  April has been making these scrabble tiles like crazy.  We bought an old used scrabble game at Goodwill and I taught her how to make this first set, and now she can do it all on her own.  They are supposed to have hooks on them too for a necklace pendant, but we just haven't gotten around to putting those on.  She has given them to friends, her brothers, and me!  P3020410

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