
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My little trick or treaters

We had a very Happy Halloween here, hope you did too!  I'm glad it's over now, but we had a fun night trick or treating at our local outlet mall.  We like going to the outlet mall because we can start pretty early while it's still light out, and get home to hand out candy.  My kids don't like to trek very far either, so we can get a lot of candy in a short walking distance.  It was a fun time.

Aaron's costume got the most comments and laughs.  He was the UPS man.  I'm so glad his costume finally came together so good.  I kept trying to give up because I couldn't find a brown hat ANYWHERE, but this dollar store knit hat seemed to work pretty good (wasn't quite what I was looking for).


April was going to be a horse back rider, but we decided that it wasn't a very exciting costume, and we found this Jesse costume in her size at the Disney store and she was happy with that.  I love Disney dollars (rewards from a Disney visa).

Aric was also originally a fire man, but when he saw this buzz lightyear costume in our box of costumes he just couldn't resist being buzz at least one time.  He loved being buzz lightyear, and I'm glad those blow up wings made it one more year.  They've been patched and mended a lot.

The whole gang before we started trick or treating, minus baby Alexander who was a pea in a pod all bundled up in the stroller.

Off to get some candy!

Trick or treat!
Happy Halloween

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