
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Alexander 10 months



Yes, this little guy is already 10 months!  I can't believe it's only 2 short months until he's a year.  Here are 10 things about Alexander right now:

  1. He loves remotes and cell phones, and always tries to get them as soon as he sees one.
  2. He will push a car across the floor from room to room.  It's so cute, and he knows when it's a car and has wheels. 
  3. His favorite place to hang out is in the boys' room.  He likes to climb on the beds, and snuggle into all the stuffed animals.
  4. He cries if I close the door to the bathroom when someone is in there taking a bath.  He loves the bath.
  5. He makes this high pitched funny sound when he sees something he wants to eat or drink.
  6. He still has no teeth.
  7. He thinks his brothers and sister are pretty funny.
  8. He loves to be chased.
  9. He's quite the picky eater.
  10. He's starting to walk while pushing things around.

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