Sensory bin fun:
I made a sensory bin with some fall and halloween things, mostly from our halloween box. This was a pretty big sensory bin this time. Usually I don't have them this big, but I had a lot of things in it.
We had fun making names out of the beads...
They started playing store, and using the little pieces as "money".
Aric was having fun...
I even let baby Alex play too. I was sitting right there with him, and he was just loving it. He was really good about not putting anything in his mouth. He just loved running his hands through all the pieces and picking up things. I lined these little pumpkins up for him to pick up.
This is more of the "store" playing...
It was a pretty fun bin...
I loved how they filled the buckets up...
Some of the things that Aaron worked on in Math were Phineas and Ferb worksheets from 1+1+1=1. He loved them. He picked up these fractions pretty quick.
He's also learning Even and Odd. He picked this up pretty quickly too. Notice on the first problem he drew a face to make it even. Silly kid.
He is still working on the You can read units, slowly but surely. Here he is putting the letters for each word. This kid doesn't really like glue, so I use a lot of tape with him. I just put the sticky side up on the tape and he puts his words in order, we call it a train. He didn't want to do this activity until I told him he could make it into a train.
We started out counting his pumpkin seeds from his pumpkin, but it quickly got to be too much for him, so we turned it into a picture making activity with glitter glue. He was taking the time to make a circle of pumpkin seeds.
His finished picture! He loved it, and that's what counts.
He also did a lot of "read, build, write" fall words.
I don't have many pictures from what Aric did this week. He made a J is for Jack o'lantern, and P is for pumpkin picture with his pumpkin seeds.
He also finished up his letter G tot school printables! Yay, it seems like that's going pretty slow too.
5th grade:
April is slowly moving along in Science. She finally got to her first experiment in zoology, learning how air pressure works in flight. In this experiment she was supposed to see little water drops flying up, and if you look closely at the picture you can see it.
I won't explain the whole thing, but that's what she was supposed to do. It worked!
This is a study guide of the book "Misty of Chincoteague" that she has been working on. Of course she got to draw and read about horses, always her favorite thing to do.
Advanced fall color activity. April enjoyed finding all these interesting fall colors in her colored pencil and crayon boxes. We had to find a lot of close matches because we didn't have the exact names of some of these colors.
I love to review what we have done, it really helps me to see where we have been and what we need to catch up on. I think I need to get Miss April moving along in her science. We have been on Chapter 1 for too long. I also need to get her done with that book and study guide. We have done many more things, these are just all the things that I happened to get pictures of.
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