
Thursday, April 7, 2011

A home for our peeps

So, what do you do with a lot of leftover graham crackers, frosting and cute easter candy?...

Make some peeps gingerbread houses of course!

My hubby asked if this was the mixed up holiday fun night while we were doing this, and I suppose it was.  But, the kids had a great time!
They turned out pretty cute...


Aric loved every minute of this.  I think he got sick from the frosting though, so we had to throw them away so that the kids didn't keep picking at them.

Originally I was going to have them make gingerbread baskets with the graham crackers, but I couldn't figure out how to form them.  This seemed quicker and easier anyway.  So, there you have it.  Our fun mixed up holiday activity.  Call it weird, or call it fun.  We are definitely calling it fun!

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