Mommy and Daddy enjoyed this nice big bed. Although not very comfy for a pregnant lady who can't sleep anyway. This was when we first arrived. Aaron is there drawing on the little pad of hotel paper.
Another shot of Aaron drawing.
This was the other part of the room, Aric was being pretty silly.
Eventually Aric found the paper too, I was glad it kept them busy until we could get everything settled. Here's Aric showing us his doodle.
Finally, after we got all settled into the room we went swimming! Sorry, a lot of these pics are going to be a little blurry. Here's Aaron on the little kid slide in the kiddie area. He's in the green shorts.
Aric wasn't so sure about the slide, but eventually he warmed up.
I got to do a lot of this.... sitting. We had enough adults to take kids around, so I could sit when I was tired (which was a lot).
April loved these float things.
"Mom, this is such a cool place!" Great wolf lodge got rave reviews from the kids.
Here's Aaron doing what he loves doing, just swimming around. Here he comes Grandpa!
April crossing the lilly pads.
Must. Not. Give. Up!
This was Aaron's first ride on the slide with Daddy. He didn't like the first ride. When I asked how it was he said it was "creepy and scary". I think this was because it was starting to get dark outside so the slide was a little dark for him. So, he didn't go on the big slides for the rest of that night. The next day he wouldn't go on them until we finally convinced him that the slides were light now, not dark. He finally agreed to try it. It took only 1 time, and he was hooked. He wanted to go over and over again.
Here's April and Uncle Marc. I really wish I could have gone on the slides. I do love a good water slide. Maybe next time. I am hoping there will be a next time. I say hoping because it is a pretty spendy place to stay.
Aric also really loved the little basketball area. He couldn't make any baskets, but holding the balls was fun. Here he is with Grandma.
Here is the little kid area that I think we spent at least a couple hours total at. He loved all the little that made the water go, and the little slides.
And finally, April, Daddy, and Uncle Marc on the big raft ride.
After our swim that night we went back to the room, changed, and had some dinner (at Dairy Queen). It was pretty late after dinner, so we just got the kids ready for bed and all the "big" boys went to a sports store called Cabelos. The next day we did more swimming and saw some other things around the lodge like the gift shops, the "scoops" kids spa (which April wanted to do so bad, we just didn't have time. It was $49 for a manicure too! I still wanted to let her do it though, maybe next time), and had lunch at the hotel bar and grill. Then it was a VERY quiet drive home because everyone was so tired. Both boys slept the whole way, and even April fell asleep.
Makes me happy!