
Friday, August 27, 2010

Makes me happy

Thank you to everyone that responded to my last post.  I even met some people that I didn't even know!  I mostly just wanted to get an idea of how many people will be looking for school/homeschool related stuff, and how many people come to just read what we are up to.  Well, I will give it a little while longer, and then I will pick someone for the surprise.

Here are some highlights of the fun/neat things from my week.  First off, I finally decided to buy something from etsy.  One of the blogs that I follow, Chocolate on my cranium, makes all kinds of neat things and sells them in her etsy store.  I've been wanting to buy something for a long time because she makes such wonderful stuff, so I finally took the plunge.  I bought some of these book corners, and crayon rolls for church.  At first I thought I could just make the crayon rolls, but I haven't had the time to figure it out and I'm not very good at sewing.  Besides they weren't very much considering all the time and effort it'd take for me to do it all.  

These are the book corners:
also to be part of my surprise giveaway from the last post

This is the book that I started reading this week.  I love "The Little House on the Prairie" tv series, and have been watching them for the past year or so with my family.  We are on season 4.  So, I decided it was time to really read the books too.  Here is our tattered old copy, I think it used to belong in a school library or something.  I have the next book "The Little House on the Prairie" in a big read aloud version.  It's huge, but will still be fun to read.

This is an "Amish Pennsylvania Dutch" Apple Pie.  I love when people bring over fresh home baked goodies and surprise us.  It was a very nice treat from a friend, and was delicious!

My kids are starting school very soon.  Only 1 week until they start, and I'm very excited for them.  I have mixed feelings about not homeschooling, but I know this is the right thing for us now.  With their different school schedules I didn't want to forget who needed to be where and when, so I made and laminated these cards with all their information for each child to put on the refrigerator.  A good way to have the school phone # handy too.
The personal information was changed for privacy, obviously.

One day we were sitting outside playing with some neighbors and chatting, and they were so excited to help us come up with some names for the baby.  It was fun to hear their ideas and we wrote the best ones down.  Of course, we have to have an 'A' name.  Can you tell we like girl A names a lot?

One last thing that I don't really have a picture for, but I am really excited about!  I finally put my first year of blogging in a book and had it printed this week!  I heard good things about blog2print, so that's the site I used.  I loved how easy it was, not a lot of formatting.  Although my hubby thinks I should have done tons of formatting, but I just didn't have a lot of time.  So, we'll see how it comes out.

That's the exciting stuff from this week.

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