
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekly workboxes 3


Miss Pink Flyer had a good week of workboxes this week, and let me say these things are STILL wonderful. If I can get them filled up she happily does her work each day and getting through it all isn't like pulling teeth anymore. In fact, she has been completing them almost too quickly, and I have to keep telling her to slow down and take her time and do her best work.

Here are the un-edited pictures from the week because honestly I can get the post up faster if I don't have to edit all the pictures. Also, that is why they are sideways. I'll have to remember to take the pictures differently this week so they don't end up sideways.

Here she is working on a monster puzzle. I went ahead and put it in her work boxes one day because she saw her brother doing it for one of his tot school trays and wanted to do it. It is a bit easy for her, but still a little challenge and definitely fun!

Here is her "fun" spelling book. I include this for a change in spelling work every once in a while.
Her Daily Grammar work book.
We had a Madeline week for "five in a row", so she made a Madeline lap book to go along with it. In this box she was to decorate the front of her lap book.
More of the Madeline lap book, where is France? We learned about Paris, France because that is where Madeline lives.
Another Madeline lap book box, finding and coloring the flag of France. She sure did love reading Madeline all week, and learning about it. Over the weekend she even got to watch the "My fair Madeline" movie. It was very cute.
Daily Paragraph editing from Evan-Moore, she really likes it. She has to find the mistakes in a short paragraph and make the marks to show how to correct the mistakes. I really like some of the Evan-Moore books.
Another Evan-Moore book, Daily Handwriting practice. This was one of the first ones I bought for her last year when she expressed an interest in writing cursive. I heard several people say that you don't have to wait for a child to master regular writing to start it so we just got it and she got it!
She also worked on Kumon Multiplication. I am really wanting her to memorize her Multiplication this year, so I am using several different methods to help her everyday.
Workboxes in action: She puts them to the right of her desk as she finishes them. I was going to take a picture of the shelves empty, but you get the picture right?
Here is another Madeline box, and actually this is a picture of the completed box. She made a get well card for somebody (we haven't figured out who yet) because Madeline gets sick and has to get her appendix out and has to spend 9 days in the hospital so the other girls come to visit her. So, we will be giving service to someone who might be sick or afflicted in some way. I thought it would be nice if we knew a child who was sick and stuck in a children's hospital, but we don't, sigh! I will have her write a message and maybe a plate of treats to go with it.
Some other boxes we did, but did not picture are:

1. Hershey's chocolate bar fractions book (I so wanted to get a picture of this one). She broke up a chocolate bar into different fractions to learn more about fractions. We'll definitely use this more as she gets better at fractions

2. Math Mammoth--clocks.

3. Choice reading: I put a collection of 5 or 6 books (chapter books in her case) and she picks one out to read each day.

4. A Think activity: Building or creating something out of just a few tools and objects, for example this week the challenge was to make a zoo out of a piece of paper and scissors, only. My Pink flyer really loves this box every time. She has come up with some great ideas.

To see what's happening with other weekly workboxes head over to My Two Happy Homeschoolers.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Love it! The Madeline stuff looks really fun! Thanks for linking up!