
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Building the coop part 2 (and other fun pictures)

The chickens have been living in their house for over a week now, and they love it!  We love it!  It's so cool seeing this neat barn coop in the back yard.  All the hard work really paid off.  I also love that my house doesn't smell like a farm so much anymore.

On to the pictures and coop building...
First up, painting!  We all got to pitch in a little bit with the painting.  Even the kids got to help with this part, but Michele did do a majority of the painting red and trim work.  It was fun for the kids and I to help when we could though.

P5051216 April made a "beware of chickens" sign.  We saw this idea somewhere on the internet, and she thought that was pretty funny.  Not sure where we should hang it yet.P5071220 Michele painted that white chicken on the front himself!  I think that may be my favorite part of the whole coop.P5121251 Next up, the roof.  After the painting and the wire attached it was time for the roof, and we were all happy to see that there was an end in sight.P5121254
A shot of the door where the chickens can come down from the loft area to the run during the day.

Aaron sure loves his black beak.  She's getting big.P5081231 So big that he has to hold her like this.  He's getting pretty good at catching her and holding her.  Maybe we'll look into showing at the fair.P5081229 This is a shot of the roosting bar.  It's actually a branch from the butterfly bush we took down recently.  As of today they still haven't gotten on it (at least that we have seen).  We're not sure why.  Too high?  Too weird?  They just haven't noticed it?  Not old enough to be interested in roosting?   It's bolted down so it's not wobbly at all.  Don't know.  We'll see how that goes.P5131258 All the boys loved watching Daddy with his tools, and were always willing to "help".  I think Daddy is so happy here because he's putting the last thing on, the latch, before it was done.P5131261 It's all ready for some chickens to move in!P5131279 Are you ready black beak?  It's movin' day!P5131283
I think those chickens are ready!P5131285
I think they like it...P5131287
Oh yes, all kinds of stuff to peck at in this grass!  This is the life!P5131292

In other news we've officially used up our first chick feed bag.  Hopefully soon we'll be able to make a re-usable bag out of it real soon.  I have the directions to make one, and they are so handy.  I'm excited.  Hopefully I'll get to post pictures of that soon.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how you shared how your coop was made and the kids helping out! You can see how excited they were! It's wonderful that they love their chickens so much! I always thought chicken were JUST chickens, but they really do have personalities and quirkiness that make them fun!