
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

flapper swims! (not by choice)

Just shortly after last post about "pecking flapper" we almost lost flapper.  We were draining our pool, and it was lower so the chickens could get over the side.  I didn't realize that, and one day I came out, and there she was floating in the water that was still in there.  She wasn't moving, but her head was above water.  I had to get a pole to pull her over to the side to get her out.  After I pulled her out, I could tell she was cold, and wasn't doing good.  We wrapped her in a towel, and just held her.  Aaron was the one that wanted to hold her.  He was pretty worried.  She warmed up, and was fine after a few hours! 

We are still happily clucking along over here!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, no! Poor chicken, but I'm glad that everything was OK!