
Saturday, July 28, 2012

eating eggs

Our first taste of our chickens eggs was pretty exciting.  When we finally had 2 eggs I decided we needed to crack them open and try them out.  But, first before I cracked them, I wanted to show the difference in size between the 1st and 2nd egg.  We have gotten 5 eggs as of today, and that 2nd one was still the biggest of them all.  It ended up being a double yolk egg.


So, here's the 2 eggs getting ready to become breakfast for my little guy.  Aric was really excited for his chicken eggs.  They were really yellow because of all the yolk.


He gobbled them down!  Of course I took some bites too, just to see how it tasted for myself.  But, since we only had 2, I had to leave most of them for him.  Can you believe that he and I are the only egg eaters in our house? (unless of course they are in cookies, or other baked goodness)

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So, for a fun experiment we said goodbye to our store bought eggs and walked on them!  They held up pretty good with the 4 year old, but by the time the bigger kids got to them...


...They were toast!  It was a fun experiment.


Now I just need these chickens to start laying some more.  I only have 3 eggs now!  I'm sure we'll be up to our ears in eggs real soon :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's not uncommon for a new layer to have some "production problems" have give a double yolker. It's pretty cool to be getting some eggs though, huh?