
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spring is coming!

Happy Thursday!

I debated about my simple pleasure today, my sweat pants, my heater, my love for Target (because I really want to go today),  I noticed today as I was outside going from house to car, and car to house again (because it's too cold outside, which is why I listed sweat pants and heater), that there are birds chirping again!  It is such a beautiful sound that I didn't really realize I missed until today.  As we were driving we also saw flocks of birds flying all over the place.  Aaron asked why there are so many birds suddenly and I said that Spring is coming!  We are all very excited for Spring (and the warmth it will bring).  I find simple pleasure in hearing a bird's song, and can't wait to hear more as spring comes around.

I'm linking this up with Chocolate on my Cranium's simple pleasure post today, hop over there to see what Cocoa's and other's simple pleasure's are. 

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