
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today I'm thankful for books...

 I don't seem to be very good at keeping up with my daily thankful posts.  It's mostly because I keep trying to think too big.  It is okay to be thankful for even the small and simple things in life, maybe even especially the small and simple things.  Today, I am thankful for books.  Especially fun children's books, books with great information, and classics, all kinds of books really.  I am thankful that my children, espcially my boys are starting to discover just how fun books can really be.  I want them all to desire to learn more by opening a book.  I am thankful that we can just snuggle up and read a book together, it's time that I really treasure with my kids.  I am thankful that we are building our library of good books.  Every night we snuggle up in my bed and the kids get to read books with us, here is what they picked to read at bedtime:

Aric loves this book, of course, it has trains!  I think we read it about 3 times.

Aaron loves this ABC book.  He was actually reading it all by himself this time.  He is really trying to figure out how to read, yay!  He was actually trying to sound out the letters, but mostly he still reads it from memorization.

For some reason Miss April really likes these books.  They aren't my favorite, but she reads them over and over.  To each his own.

It's amazing how a book can spark an interest in reading for my children, and even for me.  I am not the best reader, but I'm really trying to get better.  My hubby can read a book in just a few days, whereas I am still not through with some books I have started over a year ago.  It's mostly a time issue for me though, I still love reading.  Just takes me a little longer.  I'd post a picture of my current read, but I don't have one.  Maybe I should get one. 

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