
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby update...

I had a Dr.'s appointment today, and an ultrasound with it.  I had to take all the kids with me, but it went so well because my Hubby was able to be there and help thankfully.  The ultrasound tech even said that my kids were very well behaved (which they were today, it was soooo nice), and then she asked me if they were homeschooled.  That made me smile, and I thought that was pretty interesting since they used to be and I still love doing a lot of I guess what a lot of people would call "afterschooling".  Anyway, the ultrasound went well, it's always so fun to see the baby inside the tummy.  I got an extra ultrasound today because of the gestational diabetes.  My Dr. wanted to check the baby's size and she said he's about 4lb 3oz right now.  So, he's starting to plump up, yay! 

Then we went to lunch because we had an hour break before my actual Dr.'s appointment, so we went to a close by McDonald's with a playground so the kids could get out some of their energy and take a break.  Then we headed back to the Dr.'s office to finish up.  Our main concern at this appointment was the C-section schedule date.  The nurse called me about a week ago to schedule the C-section for Jan. 11, and that surprised me a little bit.  So, we just planned to talk to her at the appointment.  Well, long story short that's the earliest she could do it.  I personally don't think I'll make it that long.  At that time I'll be just 4 days earlier than the "late" due date.  My original due date (before the Dr. changed it) was Jan 4.  But, apparently they don't ever change it from whatever they determine is the due date from the very first 8 week ultrasound.  Does that make sense?  Doesn't make any sense to me either.  Well, I should say that if I go into labor before this date, then I can go ahead and have the baby earlier.  So, we shall see.  I guess if this baby does make it to Jan 11, it'll be an easy birth date to remember!  1/11/11 won't be hard to forget!  I almost wouldn't mind making it until then just for that, almost.

This is my insulin regimen, 2 times a day

Just for the record, my boys absolutely love to watch me do this every day.  They always ask me if they can watch, and then they give my belly a hug when I'm done (mostly Aric is the one that hugs).  Maybe they won't be scared of shots as much at the Dr.'s next time :-)

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