
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bandon, Oregon

These pictures are a long time overdue.  Remember a while ago I said I was grateful for family trips to the coast?  Well, we went, and we had a good time.  We stayed a night at the Best Western Inn at Face Rock in Bandon for 1 night.  The kids were in heaven.  They loved it all, even the LONG 4 hour drive both ways.  They were awesome, I love to see the joy on their faces when they discover so much on trips like this.

When we first arrived in Bandon before we went to the hotel room we promised the kids we would stop at the beach, and it's a good thing we did because there was a pretty good storm rolling in.

The stairs down to the beach were many

It was very windy, and cold.  By the time we were done it was raining too.
Some more stairs.
It was still gorgeous, and kinda neat because you could see the storm brewing up.
She was glad to have her warm coat on.
He was a little worried that I wouldn't make it to the bottom with him.
They couldn't stop picking up all the pretty rocks.  There were some neat rocks on that beach.
That's my barefoot boy!  He didn't care if it was stinkin' cold, he just wanted to feel the sand on his feet.
Love the wonder on his face here.

Unfortunately that's the only time I took the camera out to take pictures.  I don't know why.  I do that sometimes, I get caught up in the fun and enjoying the time with my family that I don't think about taking pictures of everything.  I wish I would have though, we saw some other pretty neat things.

After we got all settled into the hotel room we decided to go to dinner at a little mexican place.  It was delicious.  I had been craving mexican for a while.  Then headed back to the hotel to swim, eat a donut snack, and get ready for bed.  The wind blew and it rained pretty hard all night.  Then since it was the weekend that Daylight savings ended the kids woke up at 5am!  Keeping them quiet but happy until 7am when we planned to go to breakfast was quite the challenge in a hotel room, but thankfully we had our notebook computer and netflix on demand.  Needless to say we got an early start that Sunday morning.

We spent the day driving up the coast, watching the clouds and rain roll in and out, hoping for a break in the rain to stop at the beach one more time, going to the Newport Aquarium, eating lunch, and heading home.  What a beautiful place, I love the ocean.

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