
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Saying goodbye...

We purchased our first travel trailer 7 years ago, in June 2010. We decided to say goodbye to it yesterday. It served us well, and we made some great memories with it, but the floor was rotting. It was bad, and a huge project. We decided it was time to just sell it. I took these pictures just for the craigslist post on Saturday morning.


Within an hour of posting I had several calls and texts, and it was sold a few hours later. A few hours after receiving the money it was picked up. It all happened fast, which was good because we needed to start making decisions for gear for our upcoming camping trip (we are going to tent camp for a while).


I think it will be fun to look back at these pictures. This picture below of the kitty on the couch will remind me of how sad Alex was. I think he was worried that we'd never camp again. He was also worried that some of our games and toys might be taken by the new owners. I forget how much he just doesn't understand until I explain it to him. I told him that we would take all of our things out. There was a lot of stuff in that trailer! I am going to be sorting through stuff for a few days, and Alex is okay now.


Before we decided to sell it, Michele pulled up the whole front area to see how bad the flooring was underneath the carpet and linoleum, and to start working on it. It was a lot of work just doing that, and we weren't sure about having time to complete the project. This is what it looked like almost all gutted.


It's a new adventure camping now without a trailer. We went and priced some things out on Saturday afternoon like tents, camp stoves, etc. We have a little bit from selling the trailer to buy some new gear. I'm excited for this new adventure!

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