
Sunday, May 12, 2013

G is for Gardening and H is for Happy Mother's Day

I'm getting behind on this blogging through the alphabet, but I will try to catch up!

Tonight as I was putting Aric to bed he said to me "mama, you must love gardening".  I do, but I have to admit I'm still learning.  I'm still trying to figure out a lot, but even if I can't grow the best garden I still love it.  So, that is why I'm pretty happy with my little garden right now.  I love to see everything growing so well!


It's all in the front yard right now until I can transplant it all to the back where the garden beds are.  I had to start with them up front while we were figuring out what to do about the cluck clucks.  They like gardens too :-)  And, actually ate my pepper plant before I realized I had left it down where they could get it!  So, for a quick solution we did this...


I am loving this!  I love that the chickens have their own space, but still get to roam around outside of the coop.  I wish we had done this a while ago.  I love that we humans have our own space too!  We have had this up for about a week, and they've only made it outside the fence 2 times.  We are pretty happy with it.  Since this is up, and appears to be working well, we can move the garden out back soon.


Hubby bought all the supplies to build a cover for the garden.  So, eventually he'll build that and that'll be our 2nd defense against the chickens, and it will be helpful to keep other critters out.


See that hanging basket?  That was just added today along with the rod to hold it.  It was my mother's day present.  Oh by the way  Happy Mother's Day!

Blogging Through the Alphabet


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