
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our homeschool plans and curriculum 2011-2012

It has been helpful for me over the last 4 years to see what others have for their curriculum each year, so I'm excited to share what we have planned for this year.  I am very excited, the kids are excited, and we've already enjoyed exploring a little from all of the curriculum choices for this year.

Almost all of our curriculum comes from Timberdoodle co.  I'm happy to say that we are very pleased with most everything.  I liked all their choices for the complete 5th and Kinder curriculums, so that's what we got!  A lot of new stuff that we've never had before, some fun things, and a lot of variety.  I ordered everything before we left for our 4th of July camping trip so when we came home the boxes were waiting for us, and the kids were so thrilled.  I love that they think a box of school curriculum is so fun to open.  After we opened them they all just dove right in, flipping through the pages, and looking at all the things they are going to learn this year.  Then I grouped all their stuff in a big box, and they like to look through their boxes every once in a while.  I should also note that this is the first time I've ever purchased an entire curriculum all at once.  Usually I just piece it together, so getting these boxes was a big deal this year.  So fun!  I felt I really needed more to pull from this year, especially for April since she's in 5th grade.  And, this is my first round teaching a Kindergardener to read, so I really wanted a lot of resources for Aaron too.  I also bought a few new things for Aric's preschool too, but not a lot.  He'll mostly be using the tot school toys and resources we already have

5th grade box:
(the stepping into science should really be in the Kinder box)

 April's absolute favorite, the Thinking Putty.

The Kindergarden box:

Aaron's absolute favorite, the Inchimals sticks.

April's 5th grade curriculum:(Most of April's curriculum is part of the 5th grade timberdoodle complete curriculum)

Real science for kids (physics, pre-level 1)
Zoology 1--Exploring flying creatures
5th grade booklists
Lapbooks and book reports

Fun stuff:


Aaron's Kindergarten curriculum:  (most of his curriculum comes from the timberdoodle core curriculum for homeschool, I won't link each individual book unless it didn't come from the curriculum package)
The Reading lesson
What your Kindergartener needs to know (for read a louds and unit study ideas)
Beginning Geography (Evan Moore)
Inchimals and activities
Giant science resources (Evan Moore)
Geo puzzles
Now I'm reading level 1;2
Math 1A
World Atlas (Beginner)
Language Lessons for little ones 2
A reason for handwriting
Developing the early learner (books 1-4)
Never bored kid book (Evan Moore)
Stepping into science (kit with experiments)
Lapbooks from homeschool share

Fun stuff:
A to Z magnatab
Sticker Dressing soldiers (USborne)


Aric's preschool curriculum:

preschool is all fun stuff:
What your preschooler needs to know (for read a louds and ideas, he likes to sit and look at this book with Mommy and calls it his "school book")
Preschool activity book
Letter of the week crafts
Tot toys
Whatever his brother is working on he'll do too

Here are the new things I bought for Aric.  It doesn't look like much, but most of his "school" will be crafts, printables, and toys.  Exactly what it should be for his age, and the biggest reason I do so much for him is because he loves doing school with us.  In a lot of ways he's at the same level as his older brother.

So, there are our books for the year.  I don't know how much of each book we'll get through.  Some things will be done daily (math, reading, writing), others will be every other day, and the rest when we can.  Also, I want to add that this looks like a lot, but this is for the whole school year to keep us busy.  There will be some books we won't even start until halfway through. 

I'm linking this up to the Heart of the Matter's blog hop:
Not Back to School Blog Hop

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