
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog changes and update

I've been trying to come up with a good name for our school and I think I finally have it!  ...As long as it takes...because sometimes it just takes a long time for us.  We learn at our own pace.  It may not be the pace that I'd always like, but eventually we get there as long as it takes.

Life came up a lot this week, as it seems to do a lot, hence the reason I decided to rename the blog "as long as it takes".  We didn't get a lot of school done, and it always makes me a little frustrated and worried when we don't get to do the things I hope/plan to do.  Actually, my biggest set back IS the planning part.  It seems that I don't always have the extra time I need to plan and prepare so then we have to wing it or just put it off until we can get around to it.

Workboxes--We are still doing workboxes but I am having some mixed feelings about them.  I still love the system, how they work, and the overall wonderfulness of them.  But, I have been struggling a little bit because I don't have the time to get them together!  Every night.  Or, I don't have all the materials/books needed.  I know that my Pink flyer would love to see them filled everyday but it just hasn't been happening.  I'm hoping to over come this, somehow.  As long as it takes...

Tot school--I am missing this time with my tot's lately.  It's hard with two tot's, especially the youngest tot.  He's into everything right now so even when I get something set up like tot trays, he just wants to pull it all on the floor.  So, I haven't been doing much here with them.  I am planning on doing a lot of itty bitty bookworm this month long as it takes...

I'm looking forward to doing a lot of Thanksgiving activities, books, and learning this month as we lead up to Thanksgiving.  For my 3rd grader I am planning to have her do some activities to go along with "p is for pilgrim" and a lap book for "Kit: An American Girl, Kit learns a lesson about Thanksgiving".  I also hope to get to studying more about habitats for the little explorer's nature club.  We will!  We will certainly try, and that is my hope.  It just make take a little long as it takes!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Re: workboxes, I feel for you, there are times that I just don't feel like filling them at the end of the day when I am worn out. I fight that feeling a couple ways--first, during school time, while the kids are working on their own, I do a lot of the putting away and filling for the next day. Second, I plan everything ahead of time (30 minutes on a weekend night plans the whole week), including the work alone boxes. Third, if I am totally unmotivated, I just don't do it. It's okay to have a break once in a while. Hope this helps a little!