
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

He's 5!!

Happy Birthday to Aaron!
Yesterday he turned 5 years old! 

This kid had the funnest time at his birthday party last Saturday.  He picked the baseball theme, and it all turned out super!  At first he picked a Star Wars theme, but I decided that he needed to wait a few years for that kind of theme.  We had a lunch-time party, so we had hot dogs, chips, lemonade, and fruit to eat for lunch.  Then he opened presents and we all had cake and ice cream.  We also had a t-ball set up in the yard, but for some reason I never got any pictures of that action.  Which is unfortunate because one of his friends, Ansen, sure did hit some flyin' balls.  That kid is ready for the big league's Dana!  Aaron was also loving having Grandma and Grandpa there for his party too.
 So, this cake turned out pretty cute, but I have decided I will start letting someone else do the decorating.  Thanks to Daddy the green field turned out like I had it in my head.  But, when I was trying to figure out how to cut it out the night before it just wasn't coming together for me.  Michele came to the rescue and made the green field exactly how I wanted it.  Next time I see a beautifully decorated baseball themed yummy cake at Costco the day before the party, I will not hesitate to pick it up!

Here's the front view.


Aaron looking so big and 5!

Fun decorations....

Everyone enjoying their lunch on the neat-o picnic tables that my Hubby made.  No adult sized one yet, just the kids.  Pictured from left to right:  Hudson, Aric, Melissa, Amelia, Aaron, April, and Porter.

A view from the other side.  Pictured from left to right:  Aaron, Lucia, Diego, April, Porter, and Ansen.  And, yes, there are a few missed spots that didn't get finished on the table, oops.  He was in a hurry and was doing this table late in the dark.

Opening presents.  He got a lot of fun things.

He was just sitting here with all of his new things just looking so happy after the party was over.  I think he had a good time.

Even Aric got an early Birthday present...

...a cars guitar!  He was so thrilled!

Aaron really wanted a guitar, so Grandma and Grandpa got him one.  But, Grandma was oh so smart and realized that there would be some fighting sadness if Aric didn't have a guitar to play too.  We love Grandma (and Grandpa)!!

After the birthday party we had 2 other birthday parties to shuttle April to, but then we went to Red Robin for Aaron's birthday dinner.  We didn't take the camera with us so we didn't get a picture of him when they sang to him, but he loved it!  They gave him a hot fudge sundae. 

It was a happy day!

 On his real birthday we:
*Went to Target to spend his Great Grandma birthday money.  On the way he said to his brother Aric that he would buy him something too.  It was sooo sweet.  I was already planning to buy something little, but LOVED that Aaron was so willing to spend his precious birthday money on his brother too.
*Ate Panda's Express for lunch.
*Went home to get ready for swimming (I told him we could go swimming for his birthday)
*Picked sister up from school
*Had to wait to go swimming because Aric fell asleep
*Went swimming after dinner and had fun!
*Had some birthday brownies
*Got all dressed up in PJ's and took a drive to check out a campsite.

It was a birthday whirlwind, and I'm glad it's over.  One down, only 2 more to go this summer.  The other 2 are excited for their birthday's now.  Aric keeps asking me if it's his birthday time yet.  He also keeps asking his Brother if he wants to come to his party.  It's really cute.  Hopefully July comes fast for that little guy.  He's already picked a race car theme.  I'm way excited for April's too, she has picked a pink cowgirl theme.  All the decorations for hers are so cute!  I love summer, and birthday's! 

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