
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What we did...

...this week.

April started her "Kit learns a lesson" story and lapbook.  We are reading the book aloud together, we sure like the American Girl stories.  This is a thanksgiving story.

It was so fun to get out the "old fashioned" typwriter.  I think she'll start using this for her typing practice.  In the Kit books, Kit likes to type up news reports of the things going on around her.  That inspired Miss A8 to ask for our typwriter that was up in the attic.  I climbed up there, heights and all! Oh what we'll do for a fun day of homeschool!

Mr. A1 was having a great time with these Thanksgiving window clings.  He would put them on and then pull them off.

More window cling fun.

This was Mr. A3's idea, he wanted to fold all my towels for me in my kitchen towel drawer.  He did pretty good, notice the nice stack over there :-)

Home schooling one day at a time--as long as it takes


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