
Monday, February 10, 2014

February photo challenge day 10: A stranger

We had a stranger visit the Willamette Valley over the weekend.  It was tiny, white, and cold.  We loved getting to know this strange thing called snow over the weekend because we don't usually get any around here.

I had fun trying to capture a picture of a single snowflake who is posing as our stranger for this photo challenge :-)

Some other shots of the fun and chaos our stranger caused.

It was the perfect snow for snow angels...
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 It buried everything!


It wasn't so perfect for building snowmen.  This is Aaron's bucket snowman that he finally pulled together.  A ball was impossible to roll!

It was fun to watch the birds have so much fun in the snow.  They came to the bird feeders often, but I never got a picture of them.

We loved our stranger, but kinda glad it's all melted now.


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