
Friday, April 10, 2015

First camping trip of 2015

We went on our first camping trip of the season over Easter weekend.  It was fun, and nice to be away, but I'm not particularly sure I liked being away from home over Easter.  We did come home on Sunday and pulled of some Easter fun though, so it all worked out.

Aaron had only one thing left to complete his Wolf requirements to earn his Wolf badge for cub scouts, and he finished it at camp!  It was to cook an outdoor meal.  So, we thought it'd be a great time to also try out our emergency rocket stove that we got for Christmas.


 it was a good experience all around, and he did great!


I think he liked cooking over the real fire.


It was chilly, but when the sun came out it just warmed you right up.  April also decided that the hand warmers helped her face too.


It rained all afternoon one day.  There was a puddle already here when we arrived, but the rain just made it bigger.  The boys had fun stomping around in it one afternoon.


He was in puddle stomping heaven!


 And, yes, it was cold! Apparently not too cold for him though.


I love our OSU windsock when we are camping.


 Having a trailer to warm up in at night makes such a difference!  It got very cold, very fast this evening. The boys came in after s'mores and we read stories.  Here they are listening to "The quiet way home" on the ipad.

IMG_7961 Our last lunch at camp.  We were packing up and almost ready to go home at this point.  I was kinda sad to go, but ready to get home and celebrate Easter.


 Yes, a super healthy lunch of mac'n cheese, I know.  It's quick and easy for packing up.


 By the way, we realized 2 days before this trip that our fridge in the trailer wasn't working.  So, this is the first year since we've had the trailer that we had to keep everything in coolers.  It went ok, but that fridge sure is convenient!


1 comment:

Andrea Wilkins said...

It’s a terrible thing your fridge wasn’t working then, but at least it did not ruin everyone’s fun. Was it Chris’ first time to cook at all, or does he help out at home sometimes? Anyway, it’s really convenient to have a trailer for such occasion. It makes camping out that much comfortable. Happy camping!

Andrea Wilkins @ Getaway Outdoors