
Sunday, August 3, 2014

My homeschool mother's journal: The last few weeks of August

Life this week...

This week was a fun week with the big kids gone to camps leaving just me and the little boys at home during the day.  We went to the zoo, the movies, the river, and had some great one on one time.  I'm glad to have April home now though.  She had a blast at girl's camp, and Aaron had lots of fun at his cub scout day camp too.

Cub scout day camp...

I had my camera there for only 1 day.  That was Friday for family day!  It was fun for his brothers to get to go and see what he was doing everyday when he went off to camp.

They had the usual stations with different activities (except for the archery and BB guns, those were everyday except family day).  While we were on break between stations the firemen from the fire station right in front of the camp brought a truck for the kids to see, and they even got a little squirt!  It was a great refreshment on this hot hot day.

The boys waiting for the fun to begin...

I wanted to go run under that spray soooooo bad!  I was pretty hot, but I had my camera.  I'm glad I didn't because these boys got pretty soaked.

It really was a downpour...

One soaked boy!

Two soaked boys.  Alex didn't want to go in, so he hung out by me.

Before they got soaked they had an opportunity to try on really hot fire suits.

They make some cute firemen!

Mr. Alex did really good today.  He wasn't into most of it because he is too young, but he enjoyed emptying all the water coolers, and eating his trail mix.

These squirt bottles were great entertainment for him.

They had a great tug-o-war battle after all the stations were done.
That about wraps it up for cub scout day camp.  He had a blast.

Other places we visited this week...

We made it to an old favorite park...


Aric had his 6 year-old check up today.  Alex got this picture of them in the waiting room.

Life last week...

It has been pretty hot around here.  I mentioned setting up the big pool, but we aren't quite ready to do that so Michele got up in the attic and pulled down this old snap-set pool from when April was about 3.  I had forgotten we still had it.  They didn't care, it was wet and cooled them off!  Not sure when or if we'll set up the big one since summer is quickly coming to an end!


I  made this bee craftivity with Alex.  It has a booklet with all the different bees jobs.  He loved this, and thought it was fun to match all the bee's to their job page.

So far I've only really needed to buy this for our school supplies.

We have been getting a ton of eggs from the chickens!
I love all those colors!

We had a ward pioneer day activity at church.  Here's a rare picture of me.

The kids had the opportunity to try and cross a "monkey bridge" at the activity.

Alex had no fear...
He made it quite a ways before he fell off, and Dad caught him.

See that face?  Yep, that's as far as he made it.  He turned right back around.  I think this boy might have a little fear of heights.

This is my other "no fear" child.  She went all the way across!

Alex has been asking April if he can play her violin almost everytime she has it out.  She let him have a try at it, and it was adorable.


I finally have a regular table!  The picnic table has finally taken its rightful place in the backyard, and this has taken its place in the dining room.  I have to say I love the square shape too!  I like all the room it has in the middle.


I know that was a lot of really random stuff, but that was the last few weeks over here!


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