
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Reading timers

I had an epiphany recently.  I remembered getting a bookmark timer for April several years back when she needed to time her reading for school, I think it was when she went to kindergarden.  She had to read so many minutes a day, so we bought a timer to help keep track. 

Well, fast forward to a few weeks ago when I was thinking about how to help the boys keep track of their own time for the summer reading.  I really wanted them to be in charge of their own keeping of time, and feel the pull to get the reading done each day rather than me having to remind them all the time (which is what you have to do when you have boys who don't care to read).  These lovely bookmark timers popped into my head.  I did a quick search, and found that Barnes & Noble carried them in the store, so off we went to find some.  I was excited to get started.

I just knew this would get them excited about keeping track of minutes, and it did!  Worked like a charm.  We decided to pick up the ones with built in night lights, so they can read when the lights are out.  Now they are even reading for a good length of time in their beds!

I have been quite amazed at how much these have helped.  The boys are excited to get their minutes in now, and we can count throughout the day if they read a few minutes here or there.


Just wanted to share something that has worked for us lately.


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