
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Little Lambs preschool beginnings

Okay, this boy has been in preschool for 3 weeks now (on MWF's) and he's lovin' it!
I didn't get too many pictures of his first day with my camera, but they had a first day picture taken at the school that I will get later.

This boy loves his new preschool routine!  He hasn't skipped a beat so far, and he's had no problem telling me good bye.  In fact I went to help on his 3rd day of Preschool and he told me after that he had fun, but that he would have more fun when I wasn't there next time.  It was pretty funny.  I think he really LOVED having me there though, he showed me everything with so much excitement!  I love that I can help out at his preschool, and I probably will continue to do so about once a month.

Some of his favorite activities so far at preschool have been:

1. Picking sunflowers off of a big huge sunflower, and after they are dried he's very excited to get to bring home the seed in a cup of dirt.
2.  Being the calendar counter
3.  Playing trains in the block room
4.  Race car painting
5.  Snack time!
On his 2nd day he got to bring the snack to share with his class.  He chose carrots and ranch dip, and Handi Snacks crackers.  We also brought grape juice for the drink.  He thinks preschool is pretty cool.  Oh, and the name of his class is the "helicopter's".  All of the classes have a transportation theme for their name, it's very fun.

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