
Saturday, May 15, 2010

What we've been up to...

We have been enjoying the nice weather, and going to and fro.  We are on break right now from school, and I'm starting to get things set up again so we can re-start soon.  Anyway, here is a little bit of what we have been up to.

We love to go to the park, and we love finding a new park even more.  We discovered this park one day that someone suggested we might find cattails at to do a cattail study.  We didn't find any cattails (although they show them on their entrance sign, I thought that was funny) where we looked, but we discovered a fun park that we want to visit again.

It's close to the river, so I let the kids go in "ankle deep".  The puppy (yes, we got a puppy, and his name is Andy) wasn't so sure about the water.  And, of course rocks are required to be thrown by boys.
It was so peaceful...
Finally, a good picture of puppy!
We went to national train day at the Amtrak station last weekend.  The kids got to tour the Talgo Amtrak Cascades passenger train.  We had a fun day as a family and we even rode on the local city "train" called the Max.

I think this appears to be the caboose (I didn't go on the tour with them, I stayed out with the baby). 

Puppy playtime!  This is such a cute picture.  Aric sure does love to play with the puppy.  He also loves to pull on his ears and tail. 

Here is a flower that April made out of some items.  
It's a Think! activity.  The idea is that you have certain items and then are challenged to create something out of those items.  This challenge was to create a plant or flower out of the following items:
3 pipe cleaners
1 paper cup
3 paperclips
3 inches of tape
3 pieces of paper
1 marker
3 objects of your choice
I thought she did pretty good.

I think I am completely in love with books now.  I love finding new books, and keep buying them (probably too much).  Here are some great books we found at Goodwill for good prices!  I love to find cheap good books too!

We loved the book Everybody needs a rock by this same author, so I was glad to find another title by Byrd Baylor.  I haven't read it all the way through yet, so we'll see.

Here are the rest of the books.  This doesn't even include all the ones that April already whisked away to her room to read.

Another note on books.  We also went to the library today and discovered these my first little house on the prairie books.  They are so nicely illustrated, and a much shorter version of the books (which I love too).  April loved finding these!  I think I may start collecting them.

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