
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Please join me

At my other blog, As long as it takes. This is our school blog, but I am going to start posting everything there (family stuff and school stuff). It's a little too much doing two blogs, I need to cut back. Since I mostly post about school stuff I decided to go with continuing the school blog. I won't post anymore here for a time, and may eventually do away with this blog.  I do hope you'll come over there and join me over there.  I'm sorry to make you guys who aren't interested in the school stuff have to read it (which is why I started the other blog in the first place), but really a lot of our school stuff is a part of our family happenings.  You can just skip the boring stuff, right?  Anyway, no more post here, hope you all understand!

1 comment:

Brandon and Angela Hoopes said...

That makes sense to me! I don't think I could keep up with two blogs...I guess that's why I only have one (I've thought about making a recipe blog). I'm just trying to be realistic.