
Friday, July 31, 2009

Doodle maps

Well, here it is! I've decided to start an official homeschool/preschool blog separate from my personal family blog. I've gotten so much from others' school blogs, that I hope to be able to help someone else with the things and ideas that we do.

Today we started the "M is for Melody lapbook". Part of it is doing something called a doodle map, where you listen to classical music or "not so popular" music and doodle on a piece of paper and make marks according to how the music makes you feel. I tried it myself along with the kids and it was quite fun. "How does this music make you feel? Is it very serious? Or is it funny? Does it make you feel like dragging your feet? Does it sound like tapping? If it does maybe you could tap your crayon..."

A8 on her 3rd piece of paper

A8 and A3 sitting comfy on the couch to do this activity with the colors in the middle. It was their idea to cover themselves with pillows.

A3's doodle music map. He really enjoyed this activity, even though he didn't really get it entirely. He just sat and listened to classical music while coloring, what more could I ask for from a busy preschooler!

Red flyer Mom

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